In “The link between skin and psychology” Rick Fried, a psychologist turned dermatologist immediately highlights the mind-body connection by zoning in on how stressful factors/embarrassment can affect the skin immediately.
“How amazing is it that a simple cognition – ‘I said or did something foolish’ – can cause virtually every blood vessel in the skin to instantaneously open up, causing a blush or flush? That’s pretty amazing evidence that the mind and body are linked.”
So, we get embarrassed, our blood vessels open up, triggering that red hue over the skin we’re all so familiar with. What are some other ways our largest organ highlights the mind-skin (mind-body) connection?
Cortisol is your body’s stress hormone. When released it can increase acne, dry skin, wrinkles, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.
Is there a solution to maintaining beautiful skin and a healthy brain?
The answer is yes!
Healing your gut is at the top of the list when it comes to balancing mental and emotional health. These systems work very closely together with your gut sending direct signals to your brain regarding how to respond to shifts in your emotions. Once your brain receives these signals from your gut it then decides, how will I respond? The response your brain then sends out will include raised cortisol levels which can affect the skin in the ways mentioned above.
Maintaining gut health for beautiful skin and balanced mental health will include:
- hydration
- a colorful diet filled with dark green leafy vegetables, vibrant fruit, pungent herbs, etc.
- hobbies that bring you happiness and peace
- meditation or mental relaxation
- balanced relationships
- nature walks/earthing
I challenge you to initiate discussions this month that blur the lines between mental health, emotional health, and skin care. What are your methods of maintaining total health? Feel free to share feedback on our instagram post!
Chin up, shoulders down and away, heart forward, and lead with love.